


plates: victoria thorne
photography: rick martin


  1. These place settings are brilliant. I especially love the last one. All so creatively done!


  2. At each place-setting at the Thanksgiving Table at a Thanksgiving Dinner years ago, a 3 x 5 index card to which was attached five grains of corn; my sister, Michelle wrote:

    In early New England at Thanksgiving time it was customary to place five grains of corn at every plate, a reminder of those stern days in the first winter when the food of the Pilgrims was so depleted that only five grains of corn were rationed to each individual at a time. The Pilgrims wanted their children to remember the sacrifices, the suffering, the hardships which made possible the settlement of free land. They did not want their descendants to forget that on the day on which their ration was reduced to five grains of corn only healthy colonists remained to nurse the sick, and nearly half their number lay in that windswept graveyard on the hill. The use of five grains of corn placed by each plate was a fitting reminder of a heroic past.

  3. What a joy it would be to sit down at a table and see your designs. Happy Thanksgiving, Victoria.
