Of course, you
know that St. Barbara is
the patron saint of the Artillery (go Dad!).
But did you know that
her feast day is on
December 4th?
A lovely day it is, as is the day after.
These are the dates, respectively,
of my daughter's and my sister's birthdays.
shares her name (and date)
with many of the dearest friends and family in my life.
Happy Birthday, a few days late, to
Barbara Catherine.
This coincidence of Barbaras has often caused me to wonder
if there are, really, any coincidences.
And, I promise, there will be more pictures of flowers soon.
It's just that, tonight, I am floral-ed out,
having been madly arranging for days now.
Exhausting, exhilarating, enlightening--
I adore flowers, working with them, looking at them...and,
I surely would love to cultivate
a sweet little quarter-acre of some...
the gardener in me,
perhaps she is just