photo: andrew baseman
besides wanting to thank about six dozen people and send them all notes + get out christmas cards, i have a rather-too-long-in-waiting stack of gifts to wrap & (yes, it's funny, actually; why wait 'til this moment in december?) mail. all of this, honestly, might be easier to tackle if i didn't sort of expect to do a cracker-jack job on each one & have them be worthy of a small space in a bergdorf (sigh) window. anyhow. i'm going to read this (because i need to) and get back to all of you after at least a half-dozen of those gifts have been wrapped. and they won't need to be bergdorfy, they'll just need to be mailed. right? see you soon. happy wrapping to you, too.image: jean prouvé desk via sweet handmade charlotte
image: sarah melling