be a light; use what you've got.
share it. pour forth- spend out, for all the best reasons.
is there anything more beautiful
than generosity of spirit?
happy new year, with love
wishing you a glorious 2012
does this happen to anyone else?i still have a half-dozen importantpresents to wrap (a few to send),still want to mail out some sort ofcard, still feel like it's not over. thefolks who throw their trees out onthe 26th (yes, i know some are going tothe snow)- i just never quite understood. isit just me? maybe because i adorechristmas, the joy it will bring. andas i get older (thank god) it has almostnothing to do with presents. just withpresence, being with others & love.there is so much to get done. and(now that i think of it) that's a gift initself. to have people still to sendlove to! what could be better?envelope sent via delightful washimata