i don't even want to
think about the amount
of time i could spend here.
this is like a gold mine of
happiness. historic cities.
(click maps for a closer look)
i always likedgoldilocks becauseshe had the guts togo into that houseand try their stuffout. i don't know ifi would have done that.and then she took off,but really it wasn'tcowardice: it wasself-preservation.i mean, they werebears. right?i suppose some folksthought she wasn'tthat bright. but thatwasn't my read on it.in the version i liked,she was quite savvy andin possession ofa strong will.my feeling was thatshe didn't letnotbeing one of themstop her. she madeherself at home.and she didn't give up.until it was, truly,time to cut and run.okay, so maybeshe dozed off for a bit.but she wasn'tafraid to sit in thebig chair and try it outfor size.and 'tho she didbreak a few rules,she figured outwhat was justright.
now. doesn'tthat soundbetter thanplanning to be a princesswhen you grow up?