Dear Philip . . . ,
To begin with, may I congratulate you on writing such a remarkably good letter; I certainly could not have written it at your age. And to go on with, thank you for telling me that you like my books, a thing an author is always pleased to hear. It is a funny thing that all the children who have written to me see at once who Aslan is, and grown ups never do!
I haven't myself read the Puffin reprint you refer to, so of course missed the fault; but I will call the publisher's attention to it.
Please tell your father and mother [how] glad I am to hear that they find my serious books of some value.
With all best wishes to you and to them,
yours sincerely,
C. S. Lewis
[On Friday November 22, 1963,
the day after this letter was typed,
C. S. Lewis died peacefully
at his home, The Kilns.
His sixty-fifth birthday would
have been the following week.]
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