
never stop to think...do i have a place for this?

"They thought
that hereafter they would be Thing-Finders every
single day." Pippi Longstocking

It is not always easy, in a world full of minimalists, to declare oneself a Thing-Finder. After all: in the finding there is sometimes keeping. The keeping is part of the joy. And the keeping hasn't much to do with quenching the thirst to minimize. 
There's a new book about keeping, and it's written by someone who knows, better than just about anyone, how to find a place- an inspiring and perfectly imperfect place- for the things that we love. 
Mary Randolph Carter may be the patron saint of Thing-Finders. Reading her books makes me feel like the world is exactly as it ought to be. Here is a place for those of us who know the thing we are set to find, the very thing we need, is right around the corner. (And, conversely, know that all that truly matters is never a thing, but love- a heart that beats for it, a home- and the life we choose to create with care and generosity.) 


  1. Hello Victoria
    Your first paragraph says it all.
    Stephanie Lloyd

    1. Stephanie- honored by your words. Lovely to have you stop by; your space at the Hudson Merchantile is gorgeous. Hope to see it in person someday soon- v

  2. Lovely to see you here, my Fellow Lover of Things.....xxx Thea

  3. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/13/realestate/decorating-with-a-ralph-lauren-executive.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&version=HpSectionSumSmallMedia&module=real-estate-left-region&region=real-estate-left-region&WT.nav=real-estate-left-region&_r=0

    1. Laurent- thanks! Love seeing this!

    2. Laurent,
      Thanks so much for posting the What I Love column from the NYTimes today!
      They have officially dubbed me the "Queen of Junk," which is almost as good as "The Queen of Dragons"--move over Dany!
      Mary Randolph Carter or just "Carter"
