It was a lovely sunny day in the city.
Fort Mason was beautiful; the colors
of the sky and the water and the bridge
were not to be equaled. It was pretty much
like heaven (in that sweet San Francisco way).
shopping, zoomed over to the SFMOMA &
found the Anniversary Show in full swing
& it's a doozy. You ought to stop by, if
you already haven't. Did you know that
(in days gone by) you could sometimes
arrange to purchase art as it was being
exhibited in museums? The sketches
above are from papers that Calder sent
with an installation of his art...it's magnificent
to see his directions for setting up the work, but
the truly critical bits of information, as I see it,
are the numbers (prices!) scrawled below the
diagrams for each piece.
$300 for a Calder, anyone?
(long ago and far away)
The other correspondence (all snapped with
my trusty old iPhone, which seems to always
be there when I need it, unlike my trusty
camera) is between Peggy Guggenheim
and the founding director of the museum,
Dr. Grace Morley. The pics aren't great,
but you can click on them and sort of
get the gist. What really got me was
Peggy's fabulous business stationery.
And the price of the Pollock.
Art of this Century (and forevermore).
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